The red, blue and pink people who catch the information of the evil organization nightmare azure rush to the scene. Three people who discover the hostage man restrained in the nightmare during the battle with the battalion in azito. Hostage taken away... Chase the red. However, a combatant who appears from next to the next stops three people's path. "Here I take! Blue and pink ask for hostage!" Blue and pink move further back to save the hostage. However, the combatant appears further. Blue as well as red also condemns pink to hostage and fight with combatants. The pink who goes after the hostage and goes deep into the Agito defeat the combatant, and finally rescue the hostage. It's all right now. However, the hostage inadvertently laughs, "I'm sure you're going to be alone." Then, the man of the hostage suddenly changes to the Dakota phantom gaten with the terrible aura when suddenly attacked by pink. Yes, this was the trap for making pink alone! Pink... Pink is overwhelmed by the strength that was trained in the scene of the Dakota monster gaten even though it defeated the combatant with pink ribbon, and it was overwhelmed by the big pinch! Can the shield pink escape from the hand of the Dakota monster gaten? Bad end