A beautiful girl warrior sailor flare that destroys evil with the power of fire. sailor flare fights the demonic monster vagin... However, before Vagito's too toughness, he was gradually forced into inferiority and took a deep hand. sailor flare falling into the pinch of lifelessness ... Vagito is convinced of victory and laughs. However, sailor flares fight without giving up to the end no matter how badly they are. and he succeeded in escaping Vagito when he made a reversal of his opponent's gap. Akichi Tochigi, a sailor flare who managed to get rid of Vagito but was seriously injured in the battle. In front of such an accusation, the tyrants who were punished the other day appear in their retaliation. Akira showing a burning expression .... But they can't escape from the poor. A group of tyrants attacking an injured man. It's hard to fight, but the injured body can't fight like you think and is gradually forced into it. Torment ... and humiliation to be jealous. At this time sailor flare was not aware. to the presence of a stinger in the magical world that approaches me .... [BAD END]