Play content: encounter, hotel arrival, ass tower, deep kisses, boobs matching, assembling, handman, tidal blowing, tide blowing, W-kunni, handman, tideblowing, kunni, deep kissing, nipple shaving, W-fela, Ferra & kunni & fera, Six Nine, face riding & blowing, piesli, insertion, standback, back jockey position, station valve, riding position, launch (inside), cleaning blowjob, insertion, normal position, handman, standing back, handman's normal level, sitting face facing, standing back, hand man, tide shooting, handman, handman, shimmering, handsman, tidal spraying, during firing, breastburning (on the way of launching), baby head and necklifting, toying, initiating, throwing up a person with no need to take off his/himself or her body. Amiri & Himaru are the dohen with sashigane that came this time! ■Styling Out of Style by Beautiful Women? It's too erotic to be crouched and shaved with chopsticks... look at everything.